Fred just got hired as a consultant for a financial services company. This new position is different from the previous job since this will require a lot of traveling. There will be a lot of changes, and getting organized is the best thing to do before doing anything.

The first that needs to be done is to organize the office. Some things are needed more frequently on the desk while others need only to be used once in a while. The person can organize this by frequency.

The table can have the computer with the telephone nearby to receive calls. If the printer doesn’t fit on the desk, perhaps putting this somewhere nearby will suffice, since the cords of this machine are not that long. Some pen and paper, which can be used to write a small memo, can be stored in the top drawer.

A box of calling cards should also be ordered since the job will entail meeting a lot of potential clients. Giving calling cards away will make it easier for potential clients to get in touch with the company.

The person should also have an inbox-outbox counter on the table. This will make it easier for the person to know which of the documents are done and which of them still require some action.

Being in meetings and traveling around a lot, the person will probably be better off by carrying an organizer around. There are the primitive ones that use pen and paper while there are those that are electronic.

Some of these high tech models also serve as mobile phones, which are light, easy to carry, and fit in the breast pocket.

The office where the company operates has probably been in that building for a long time. The person can sift through some of the old documents that are not needed anymore and have these thrown out. This will make the office clutter-free and will make it easier to find things when these are needed.

There is a lot of responsibility in being a top executive. Important documents should not be left lying around. These should be locked up in a safe (if there is one in the room) or in a drawer when not in use.

Some executives can organize activities for the week in advance using an organizer. Those that can’t will probably need the help of an assistant.

The person can plan everything to be done on a single day. This means writing everything down, and then crossing out things once they are done. Other pending tasks that are not yet close to the deadline can be put off so that these can be finished the following day.

An efficient employee is someone who is always ready. He is aware where everything is and makes sure the office is organized.